Thursday, September 4, 2008

Taking Chances

"Take chances, take a lot of them. Because honestly, no matter where you end up and with who, it always ends up just the way it should be. Your mistakes make who you are. You learn and grow with each choice you make. Everything is worth it. Say how you feel always. Be you and be okay with it."

I found that on a bumper sticker on facebook. That saying just above. On a bumper sticker. At the same time I was thinking about and listening to my sermon from Sunday...which I had a good feeling I would write a blog about. It just needed a couple days to sink in. It's sunk. So here I am.

The reading for the sermon on Sunday was Ecclesiastes 9:10-12. My favourite of the 3 is verse I'll put it in here. "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, their is neither working nor planning now knowledge nor wisdom."
Live your life to the fullest. Whatever chance is given to you take it. Enjoy life to the best of your abilities. Do what you can to make it a good life. And that's exactly what I am going to do.

"There is a quiet voice in our spirits. It's the Holy Spirit telling us to turn to the bible as our instruction manual. God won't shout at us...or force us...or threaten us to read it. But he'll speak softly and wait patiently to be heard and obeyed....Listen to God even if his council is painful. Listen to God even if your family or friends disagree with you. Listen to God even if the world thinks you are absolutely crazy. Listen to God. If He says to do it then you do it. Live life to the fullest. It's only then that you'll come to terms with reality. It's only then that any of us can find relief and recovery."

God tells us to do many things in our lives. And that is why we do a lot of the things we do. Because God has told us to. Even if we don't know it. Sometimes He's that feeling we have in our gut. And sometimes he's that little voice in the back of our heads. But I know it's always him.

So we do our best to listen. And sometimes when we don't hear anything....or want to hear something....we'll ask for a sign. A sign from God to show if something is right or wrong. Should we do it or not? And sometimes he will give you that sign. But i'm starting to think...sometimes the sign we though we needed we don't end up needing. Because he's changed the confusion and worry into a gut feeling or one of those voices in the back of our heads.

For a lot of the things we do in our lives there may be a person who disagrees with us and thinks that we're wrong for doing it. Maybe there's that 1....or maybe there's 10....or maybe there's 100. But does it matter? If God is telling us to do it we should do it. If God is telling us to take a chance than we should take it. Who cares what other people think.

So I'm going to follow my gut. I'm going to follow that tingle that I have from my fingers to my toes. That voice in the back of my head. That sign that I got. I'm going to follow it for the rest of my life. And if you think I'm crazy good for you. And if you think that this is a bad idea than I don't care. And if you think that I shouldn't do it than i think that you should mind your own business.

So I urge you all to follow your heart, and that feeling, and that voice in the back of your head. Follow it. Listen to God. He knows what he's doing. Take that chance. Live your life. Live it the way you want to and the way God wants you too...not the way anyone else wants you too.

And so what....maybe the chance you take might end up exploding in your face. But it's a lesson that must be worth learning. Or a turn in the road that'll lead you somewhere better. Or maybe it'll just prove that you can do something even though no one believed in you.

"Life is about trusting your feelings, taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories, learning from the past, and realizing life goes on."

Figure out what you want and go for it. If it doesn't happen...or it doesn't turn wasn't meant to be...and you'll move on. But you'll never know if you don't try.

Song of the moment: Feeling A Moment-Feeder...don't let your moment slip away

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young.
1 Timothy 4:12

Music is what feelings sound like........

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