Saturday, August 24, 2013

Like the Cows in Michigan...or Maybe it was Wisconsin

"You don't want to be in love.  You want to be in love in a movie."

Becky.  Oh Becky.  You've got it.  I watched Sleepless in Seattle tonight.  I was craving You've Got Mail but we worked with what we had.  I didn't realize Sleepless would do this to me tonight.  

If you read my blog regularly (if that person even exists) or were to go back and read older posts you would notice that I dream big.  I dream of big romantic gestures, I runaway with my thoughts, and I dream of this romantic love to tell the world.  As per usual, my mind has been drifting to these things as of late. 

I thought maybe you could be Joe Fox and I could be Kathleen Kelly.  We could write e-mails.  Maybe you'd send me a bouquet of sharpened pencils.  I thought maybe it would be you like I so badly wanted it to be. 

And here I am in my fantasies.  So I think I'll leave those behind.  I'll give Nora Ephron her pen back and let God write whatever story it is that I'll tell our grandchildren. 

I will wait for my own magic. 

Song of the Moment: In the Wee Small Hours by Carly Simon

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.  
1 Timothy 4:12

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