Recently, I've been reading a lot of nonfiction about purity, love, dating and not dating. I've been doing lots of learning and lots thinking. But, so far, this is the conclusion I have come to:
While I know that getting married and having a family is something I want in my life, being single is good too. For now. Singleness is definitely a blessing in disguise (to most people).
Just think about, when you're single, God can use you for a different variety of things. You can go anywhere, do anything, without having to plan someone else into your life. I think of my best friend who has already been in Mexico for 5 months and is staying another 3. Would she have made that decision if she was in a serious relationship? Maybe. But maybe not. I think of a musician pursuing his love of music and travels a lot. Do you think he would go on all those tours and spend weeks at a time writing somewhere that wasn't home if he wasn't single? Maybe. But maybe not.
And yes, I can think of people who are missionaries in other countries and travel for music as husbands and wives with children. My point is, when we are young and single, we pursue educations and careers and God's purpose for our lives. Some are meant to get married young and others are not. So it's time to quite complaining about being one of the others.
Be who you are. Do what God wants you to do. Make a life for yourself before you make a life with someone else. "If you really love each other you can make a life of your own and a life to share." (Painted Dressed by Patricia Hickman)
In my blog Thinking Right Much Of Thee I added in the lyrics of I Will Come by Greg Sczebel. A few days after that post I noticed the line "And I'll mean it when I say you're my one and only." How romantic is that? I'm not saying you should stop dating. That's totally your own personal decision. I'm telling you that giving your heart away to lots of boys (or girls) leaves less and less for your future spouse.
And I would say, it's not just dating the boys (or girls) it's liking the boys (or girls) too. Sometimes, we put so much of ourselves into a silly little crush, we still lose a piece of our heart.
So. This is your life, are you who you want to be? Are you who God wants you to be? Because if you're not, you've got some work to do my friend. I'll pray for you.
Song of the Moment: This Is Your Life by Switchfoot (Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Song.)
Don't let others look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12
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