Over the years I've drifted apart from a lot of people. Going from good friends to incredibly awkward meetings at the mall or McDonalds or wherever. A lot of people have come and gone. But to be honest, I've never cared all that much.
Until now. Of all the people I've drifted from, I never thought one would be you. I thought that somehow we would always come back every few months and chat. Fill each other in on some details of our lives naturally. Maybe things have changed. Maybe we're just too busy. Or maybe I've thought wrong all along.
Here is one thing I have learned though: As two people drift apart, two people become closer together. Let me tell you, I've loved coming closer to someone else and I'm sure you have too. But, sometimes, I just miss you.
Song of the Moment: Back When You Were Mine by Lady Antebellum
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believer in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
This One's For You
Thank you for being wise.
Thank you for bringing me to musicals and helping me fall in love with them.
Thank you for making me smile all the time.
Thank you for playing Bill Cosby, Three Dog Night and Oklahoma! on long car rides over and over and over again.
Thank you for playing music embarassingly loud with the windows rolled down.
Thank you for always knowing someone (even if they don't know you) no matter where we are.
Thank you for your last minute exciting plans.
Thank you for letting me sit on your lap all those years.
Thank you for keeping everything.
Thank you for trying to make everyone laugh all the time.
Thank you for going out of your way to say hello to someone.
Thank you for remembering (what seems like) everything and sharing it with me.
Thank you for bringing me programs late at night after a show is finished.
Thank you for introducing me to Bill Murray and his fantastic movies (like Groundhog Day, What About Bob?, and Meatballs).
Thank you for moving the music around all corners of the car when a good song is on.
Thank you for giving me a sense of humour.
Thank you for ending every text with lyd.
Thank you for everything I couldn't even put in this list because it would be too long.
Thank you for being the best dad I could ever ask for.
That's right. This one's for you dad! Tonight we walked through the people filled lobby and parking lot singing Those Canaan Days without a care and continued in the car for the first 10 minutes of our car ride. But the best part, the absolute best part was when we were listening to Redefined and singing along to Mighty To Save together. What an incredibly beautiful moment. I think I will remember this one forever.
I couldn't ask anything more of you because you've already given me so much. But I know you would still go to the moon and back if I needed you too. Thank you for being you and sharing it all with me.
Song of the Moment: Mighty To Save by Redefined (Redefined is a band my brother was in for a year...any other rendition would do, but this was a family affair after all)
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12
Thank you for bringing me to musicals and helping me fall in love with them.
Thank you for making me smile all the time.
Thank you for playing Bill Cosby, Three Dog Night and Oklahoma! on long car rides over and over and over again.
Thank you for playing music embarassingly loud with the windows rolled down.
Thank you for always knowing someone (even if they don't know you) no matter where we are.
Thank you for your last minute exciting plans.
Thank you for letting me sit on your lap all those years.
Thank you for keeping everything.
Thank you for trying to make everyone laugh all the time.
Thank you for going out of your way to say hello to someone.
Thank you for remembering (what seems like) everything and sharing it with me.
Thank you for bringing me programs late at night after a show is finished.
Thank you for introducing me to Bill Murray and his fantastic movies (like Groundhog Day, What About Bob?, and Meatballs).
Thank you for moving the music around all corners of the car when a good song is on.
Thank you for giving me a sense of humour.
Thank you for ending every text with lyd.
Thank you for everything I couldn't even put in this list because it would be too long.
Thank you for being the best dad I could ever ask for.
That's right. This one's for you dad! Tonight we walked through the people filled lobby and parking lot singing Those Canaan Days without a care and continued in the car for the first 10 minutes of our car ride. But the best part, the absolute best part was when we were listening to Redefined and singing along to Mighty To Save together. What an incredibly beautiful moment. I think I will remember this one forever.
I couldn't ask anything more of you because you've already given me so much. But I know you would still go to the moon and back if I needed you too. Thank you for being you and sharing it all with me.
Song of the Moment: Mighty To Save by Redefined (Redefined is a band my brother was in for a year...any other rendition would do, but this was a family affair after all)
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12
Sunday, November 20, 2011
This Perfect Moment
I was waiting for my show to start on CMT tonight when I caught the end of Paul Brandt's Build It Forward. At the end Paul said: Some people search for their perfect moment forever, but what they don't realize is that they are living their perfect moment. (or something to that extent...don't want to misquote :P ) And as I usually say in my blogs, it hit me right in the face!
It seems as if I'm always looking and searching and dreaming that perfect moment. I can't help it. My combination of hopeless romantic and dreamer get the best of me! But when I sat there and thought about it, what makes this moment, today, not my perfect moment?
Yes, I know, life is ridiculously busy right now. I have work, school, papers galore which pretty much means no social life for the time being. I'm tired, I'm stressed and I'm not keeping myself as healthy as I should. But I've got some pretty amazing friends keeping me going, I've got my love for the work I do, I've got an awesome placement, I've got Christmas break just waiting in the distance and I've got an awesome God pulling me through it all. Somehow.
So why am I complaining? Why am I waiting for such an amazingly perfect moment that I am overshadowing all the great ones right now? Sure, someday I may or may not have that storybook and/or movie moment. But right now, I am content with what I've got. I am content with all the things God has blessed me with.
Song of the Moment: Just A Kiss by Lady Antebellum...Can't get enough of this song (or the video for it!!) Hey, I can still dream right?
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12
It seems as if I'm always looking and searching and dreaming that perfect moment. I can't help it. My combination of hopeless romantic and dreamer get the best of me! But when I sat there and thought about it, what makes this moment, today, not my perfect moment?
Yes, I know, life is ridiculously busy right now. I have work, school, papers galore which pretty much means no social life for the time being. I'm tired, I'm stressed and I'm not keeping myself as healthy as I should. But I've got some pretty amazing friends keeping me going, I've got my love for the work I do, I've got an awesome placement, I've got Christmas break just waiting in the distance and I've got an awesome God pulling me through it all. Somehow.
So why am I complaining? Why am I waiting for such an amazingly perfect moment that I am overshadowing all the great ones right now? Sure, someday I may or may not have that storybook and/or movie moment. But right now, I am content with what I've got. I am content with all the things God has blessed me with.
Song of the Moment: Just A Kiss by Lady Antebellum...Can't get enough of this song (or the video for it!!) Hey, I can still dream right?
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
If you choose to build a wall around your heart, make it low enough for love to climb over.
You know, I find it kind of funny. Sometimes I try so hard to make my facebook profile and my twitter description to show as much of me as possible. I try to put as much of myself as I can into these silly little things. I do it so that you'll read it. So that you'll know me.
The funny part isn't that I do this. The funny part is that all that stuff doesn't even scratch the surface. I loved writing my Who Am I? blog and make lists like that in my head all the time, but that's not the stuff that matters. Yeah, maybe those are the quarks that make you love me just a little more, but that's not who I am. You don't really know me.
You don't know how deep I go. You don't know how I feel by looking at me. You don't know what makes me tick. You don't know my struggles or my heartaches. You can't. Not from those little lists.
When I was 14 I started using the metaphor of 10 ft thick concrete walls surrounding me. I wouldn't let anyone in. With a little help from a friend I broke those walls, once. With a little more help, I'd like to break them again. Would you help me do that?
Whoever you are.
Song of the Moment: Rain by Patty Griffin. More specifically, this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB23y8E1ZdE&feature=channel_video_title I just can't get enough it. It gets to me every single time.
Don't let others look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12
You know, I find it kind of funny. Sometimes I try so hard to make my facebook profile and my twitter description to show as much of me as possible. I try to put as much of myself as I can into these silly little things. I do it so that you'll read it. So that you'll know me.
The funny part isn't that I do this. The funny part is that all that stuff doesn't even scratch the surface. I loved writing my Who Am I? blog and make lists like that in my head all the time, but that's not the stuff that matters. Yeah, maybe those are the quarks that make you love me just a little more, but that's not who I am. You don't really know me.
You don't know how deep I go. You don't know how I feel by looking at me. You don't know what makes me tick. You don't know my struggles or my heartaches. You can't. Not from those little lists.
When I was 14 I started using the metaphor of 10 ft thick concrete walls surrounding me. I wouldn't let anyone in. With a little help from a friend I broke those walls, once. With a little more help, I'd like to break them again. Would you help me do that?
Whoever you are.
Song of the Moment: Rain by Patty Griffin. More specifically, this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB23y8E1ZdE&feature=channel_video_title I just can't get enough it. It gets to me every single time.
Don't let others look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Women of God
The other day one of my best friends and I were driving home from a concert in London. Of course, our topics of discussion varied, but we landed on the contentment of our lives. And it hit me in the face: What an incredible woman my friend has become. In fact, what an incredible woman of God.
She talked about her life and how she was perfectly content with where she is and what she is doing. She wasn't asking for anything more in her life because God had already blessed her with so many things. She has passion and ambitions. It's amazing.
At the same time that conversation was taking place our best friend was packing to move to Mexico for 8 months to work in an orphanage. It's so incredibly amazing. She is giving up so much of her time for others and to work for God. She is such an incredible woman of God.
Than I took a look at myself. I have come so far in the past few years. I look at the 16 year olds in the Bible study I run and think "Whoa." A lot has changed since I was 16. I have standards and convictions and a true relationship with God. I test myself and push myself so I can get closer to fulfilling my life's purpose, whatever that may be. I seem to have turned into a woman of God.
When did all of this happen? When did we turn from 3 goofy girls to 3 strong, women of God? We still goof around and have our fun, but when did we become adults? Since when did we grow up? We are women. I think it's funny how I missed it happen. I missed us change from girls to women, but we are now. Full fledged Women of God. Man, He really is good isn't He? Amen.

Some things never change :) Love them.
Song of the Moment: Stop (You've Only Got One Heart) by Greg Sczebel (1. He was in the concert we were driving home from. 2. I bought his CDs while at the concert. 3. This is definitely my favourite song on that album!)
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believers in speech, in faith, in life, in love and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12
She talked about her life and how she was perfectly content with where she is and what she is doing. She wasn't asking for anything more in her life because God had already blessed her with so many things. She has passion and ambitions. It's amazing.
At the same time that conversation was taking place our best friend was packing to move to Mexico for 8 months to work in an orphanage. It's so incredibly amazing. She is giving up so much of her time for others and to work for God. She is such an incredible woman of God.
Than I took a look at myself. I have come so far in the past few years. I look at the 16 year olds in the Bible study I run and think "Whoa." A lot has changed since I was 16. I have standards and convictions and a true relationship with God. I test myself and push myself so I can get closer to fulfilling my life's purpose, whatever that may be. I seem to have turned into a woman of God.
When did all of this happen? When did we turn from 3 goofy girls to 3 strong, women of God? We still goof around and have our fun, but when did we become adults? Since when did we grow up? We are women. I think it's funny how I missed it happen. I missed us change from girls to women, but we are now. Full fledged Women of God. Man, He really is good isn't He? Amen.
Some things never change :) Love them.
Song of the Moment: Stop (You've Only Got One Heart) by Greg Sczebel (1. He was in the concert we were driving home from. 2. I bought his CDs while at the concert. 3. This is definitely my favourite song on that album!)
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believers in speech, in faith, in life, in love and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12
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